In loving memory of my friend Jon

I suggest a cup of coffee, and slice of pumpkin pie.

And so our story begins…

…on a cold, and creepy night.

West Virginia

October, 1991

You watch as the rain outside the cab window turns from a subtle drip to a heavy downpour - thunder begins to grumble in the distance. The last five minutes of your trip has been on one of the most winding, narrow dirt roads you’ve ever experienced, and you can finally see the light of a building come into view

Mike, your cab driver, slows the vehicle to a gentle stop as he pulls near the front entrance

“Okie dokie. Looks like this is your stopp-er-oonskie!” he says cheerfully, with a thick Ukrainian accent, as he places the vehicle in park.

You have just arrived at the Harson Hotel, in a small town called Venger Falls.

Mike steps out of the vehicle with an umbrella, opening the back door for you before retrieving your luggage from the trunk - your cab driver is a lively old gentleman, with combed over hair and a dark mustache. The level of excitement this man has for driving cab has left you with a deep level of respect, and curiosity regarding his life secrets

“Alright, Buster! I sure hope you’re alright getting room service, this place way too far out for a hotel” Mike chuckles loud and cheerfully as he hands set’s your luggage down. He isn’t exactly wrong either, the hotel location is, unusual, to say the least. The building is outside the city, surrounded by trees. Although the atmosphere can certainly be considered charming, there is no entertainment to be found in what could be considered walking distance…at least it was cheap!

Mike gives you a firm hand shake and warm smile. He insists you take the umbrella as you say fair well, stating he has another in the cab. You pick up your luggage and watch him jog gleefully back to the driver’s side, before you turn toward to brightly lit entry way.

Only four stories tall, the Harson is far from the largest hotel you’ve seen, but the first impression is none the less a spectacular one.

The hotel’s architecture is a beautiful combination of wood and stone, The detailed craftsmanship gives the feel of a small enchanted castle, as light spills out from the large windows, welcoming you toward it.

The lobby doors are heavy oak, with worn gold handles, and clear glass windows shining that beautiful warm glow outward.